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Itinerary should include
(any of these)

            Itinerary must include
            (AND all of these)

                      Itinerary must not include..
                      (AND NOT any of these)

                                Select one or more conditions from one or more categories. More conditions will result in fewer returned treks. Many 'included' or 'excluded' conditions may result in no treks being returned.

                                Saved Searches

                                708-U20241/23/2024 3:47:00 PMProgram: Blacksmithing, Climb Tooth of Time, Mine SAA5PJOR-NM4V-NT2H-8IR9-VXTJUGFIYHH4
                                708-U20241/23/2024 3:45:00 PMProgram: Blacksmithing, Climb Tooth of Time, Mine 18HN2VFA-WJAD-WQ9Z-HGYR-4VZ17R61XNEW
                                Sample20234/3/2023 3:50:00 PMCamps: Tooth Ridge; Program: Climb Tooth of Time, AQ3GN7B1-51X6-68VS-RYKK-ECMUR32RHTLI

                                Composite Definitions

                                Composites are treated as OR conditions within the columns above, i.e. Animals is TRUE if the itinerary includes Horse Rides OR Burro Packing OR Burro Racing

                                10000' + PeaksTrail Peak, Baldy, Black, Big Red,Phillips,Costilla and/or Ash
                                Abreu HomesteadTour Abreu Homestead, Mexican Homestead - The same thing
                                AnimalsHorses or Burros (Racing or Packing)
                                Black PowderBlack Powder Rifle became Muzzle Loading Rifle in 2016
                                BurrosBurros in any flavor, packing or racing.
                                CantinaCantina or Cantina Show
                                Evening ProgramCantina Show,Evening Campfire(s); Stomp; Dutch Oven Dessert,Scout Rededication Ceremony or Evening Music
                                Historic HomesteadsKit Carson, Historic Homestead, Tour Abreu Homestead, Mexican Homestead, Chase Ranch
                                Lodge TourHunting Lodge or Fishing Lodge Tour
                                Named PeaksTrail Peak, Baldy, Tooth of Time, Hart, Black, Big Red or Phillips
                                RocksRock Climbing, Bouldering, traverse walls, indoors & out
                                Shooting SportsBlack Powder, Shotgun ,30.06 or Cowboy Action Shooting
                                Theme MealChuckwagon Breakfast, Dinner or Mexican Dinner