Metcalf Station

Staffed Camp
first seen by PhilSearch in 2014 as a Staffed Camp ;
Water: status unknown;
Programs: Blacksmithing Railroading Morse Code
Treks Camping at Metcalf Station: 12-4 12-10 7-1 7-3 7-5 9-10
Treks taking program at Metcalf Station: 12-3 12-4 12-8 12-10 7-1 7-3 7-5 9-6 9-10
Located at 7220; Latitude 36.66141 x Longitude -105.02629;

Known as Old Camp before 2014, Metcalf Station was created (with the generous help of BNSF) to honor the railroading history associated with the logging industry.

Blacksmithing at Metcalf Station Blacksmithing at Metcalf Station
Staff Cabin
Staff Cabin at Metcalf Station
overvew of Metcalf Station Spiking rail Learning to spike rail Handcar at Metcalf Station